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To be able to use the Raspberry does it need an operating system. There are several of those availabe. The tutorial uses Raspian or as it has been renamed lately, the Raspberry Pi OS. The operating system has been developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and is based on Debian. On top it is free of charge and Open-Source

The installation is pretty simple.

  1. Download the current Raspian/Raspberry Pi OS from the Raspian homepage. You can choose between several versions including more or less additional software. I am using the version including the recommended software.
  2. Now you need a tool which can flash the downloaded image to an SD card. A simple tool you can use is Etcher. Just donwload and install the tool
  3. Star Etcher
  4. A dialog opens where you select the downloaded image

Balena Etcher

       5. Start flashing and just wait for it to finish. That takes a little while